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The digitalized and deregulated electricity market in Singapore.

The electricity market in Singapore is among the most developed and digitalized in Asia. It consist of competitive wholesale and retail market where all retailers buy electricity from a range of producers and compete to resell electricity to consumers.

In this web-event we will be introduced to the rationale behind and the 20 years development of this well-function market from Mr. Jomar Eldøy of Ohm Energy - an authority on electricity markets.

Digitalization is a key enabler for well functioning electricity markets and for energy production and usage efficiency. We will learn about smart energy management from the CEO of Singapore Power (SP) Digital, Mr. Chang Sau Sheong.


10:00 Opening remarks from the S&TDC cochairs

  • 10:30 Presentation of SP Digital - smart buildings, urban digital solutions, smart grids/smart consumers etc.. – Mr. Chang Sau Sheong, CEO SP Digital

  • Presentations here: (TBC)

11:00 Close.

Recording of the meeting is found here: